Stay On Track

14 Dec 2023

Link to Spreadsheet: Spreadsheet

1. How did you make your effort estimates? Did you draw on your experience on how much effort it took for similar things you have done in the past?

In the beginning of the project, I knew that It would take a lot of time to create the basis of what the application needed, so I set my time estimate for beginning issues (2 and 4) pretty high at 8 hours. I didn’t draw from any experience on how much effort it would take in the beginning, I just set the number high since I didn’t know much about the meteor template and how it worked. As time went on and I finished more in the project, my estimates became lower because I knew how everything worked and figured out how long it would take me. I think having the experience that you can draw from really help to create better estimates.

2. Even though your estimates were always off, sometimes way off, was there any benefit for making effort estimates for the issues in advance? If so, what benefits? If not, why not?

In my opinion, I don’t think that there was a benefit in making effort estimates in advance. I found myself working on the project for long hours and completing my issues on time without any trouble. Whenever my code wasn’t working or had any problems, I would spend as long it took to solve the problem. I feel like the milestones were more beneficial than the estimates. The milestones helped me to stay on track and made sure that I completed my issues on time.

3. Was there any benefit for tracking the actual effort expended on the issues? If so, what benefits? If not, why not?

I didn’t find any benefit from tracking the actual effort that I spent on the issue. I found it interesting to see how much time I spent on the project, but I don’t think it was beneficial. The actual time I spent on the project didn’t really matter to me, as long as I completed my issues on time. I wasn’t going to stop working just because I was over my estimated effort time. I wanted to make sure that my part of the application was completed and working, to allow the project to keep moving forward.

4. How did you track your actual effort? How accurate do you believe your tracking was?

I tracked my actual effort by using the stopwatch on google, and timed how long I spent on the project. I used Darkyen’s Time Tracker in IntelliJ to track my coding time on the project. I found my non-coding time by subtracting my coding time from the actual time that I spend on the project. I think that my tracking was pretty accurate, but I think that the biggest flaw in my tracking is that Darkyen’s Time Tracker isn’t very accurate at tracking how long I actually spent on a project. Sometimes, It would track when I was tabbed out out of IntelliJ.